Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who's got the power?

Who will pay for journalism in the future? This was the question that myself and the rest of my journalism seminar discussed in class today. I couldn't help but jump online and check out the current  situation of magazines and whether or not they are heading down the same path as newspapers. It seems to me that the current aim of the media industry is to scrap traditional media and have the internet as the main disseminator of news. I've provided a link below to a you tube clip that discusses the future of 'Time' magazine which I found very interesting. In particular, Nancy Gibbs (2010) believes, "the choice is ours" (as the audience) and the power rests in our hands as to whether or not we utilise the internet as a news source.  I strongly agree with her view that journalists will struggle keeping audiences interested in longer stories as readers probably won't want to be scrolling through dozens of screens. In regards to getting to the 'guts' of a story and finding out the deep information that may not be published in the limited online space, the power of choice is at the reader's fingertips, to further their research online. However I believe if this is the case, we will only see the flipside of the coin and the readers will be faced with the problem of not having the time to delve in as deep as they wish...So my point....Is online news really going to prove beneficial? I think not, unless of course you have massive amounts of internet megabytes!


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